Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Today was different in some way. I managed to keep a list of a thousand things to do in my head (in spite of the constant nagging voice within to please WRITE down a list) and indeed manage to get them all done (for some things on the mental list: done at least to a point that I was satisfied).

Today was different in another way. My day usually consists of two-and-a-half languages. Two wholes and one half. "Half" meaning, I only ever understand half of what is being said, and they only ever understand half of what I am trying to say. Ever been in such a situation? Today I managed to ALMOST complete the one half and... guess what? Add another half language to my repertoire!

What must that sound like? First of all, you have to know that I live in Brussels (Belgium), otherwise known as the Tower-of-Babel capital of the world, among other things. An second to that, I am not Belgian (hence all these half-baked language proficiencies).

Suffice it to say: I am a whiz at languages. Yeah, I have reached a point in my life where I am not the least embarrassed (at least I try to convince myself) to make a complete fool of myself! So be it German, English, French or Dutch, all it requires is a wave of a wand (to make me forget I am about to embarrass myself)... and there you have it: a nearly perfect multilingual Asian-European citizen of the world >_< !